This information is given to the public by Pulaski County Health Center (PCHC) for public health information purposes. PCHC is conducting sampling in order to inform citizens of recreational water conditions. The information given will allow citizens to make informed decisions on when they feel water conditions are favorable for bodily contact and recreational activity. PCHC will be sampling from eight (8) different locations within Pulaski County to gain a good perspective of overall water quality. Public notification of sewage lagoon outfall has now been posted at the point source location to make waterway users aware and recommended not to swim near posted signs. Although the outfall and it's treatment center have been updated and reconstructed.
Big Piney River Ross Bridge Access: Duke, Mo (Site P1)
Gasconade River Locations:
G1 - Hwy 133 Access G2 - Hwy 7 Access G3 - Hwy 28 Veterans Bridge Access G4 - Hwy O Riddle Bridge Access G5 - Schlichts Spring Access |
Big Piney River Locations:
P1 - Ross Access P2 - Rt 66 Access Roubidoux Creek Location: R1 - Roubidoux Park |
Sample results are available upon request. Samples will be taken semi-monthly from April until Mid-October, unless water rises to unsafe levels to take samples. Should e.coli results reach dangerous levels, public notification will be made with frequency of testing being increased at the testing site until levels drop to normal levels. If high levels continue, cause of contamination will be investigated.
Sampling Locations: |
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